Tuesday, January 22, 2013


What a busy weekend.. so much happening and all at one time.

49ers pushed and grappled their way to the Super Bowl Finals. And you're probably thinking I am a huge sports buff. On the contrary! I understand Tennis, Baseball, Soccer, Cricket.. to the point that I know what's happening. I don't particularly follow any athlete, sports person or team. But Football.. I just don't get.  All I see is a bunch of guys running after this little ball and then falling sometimes in less than 5 seconds. They tell me its a very strategic game, and maybe it is, but I am yet to understand it.  And yes I watch it, to support and be excited for my husband,  and for a friend too.  Like I tell them, I am just excited seeing all the excitement.  And now while everyone waits for the Super Bowl Sunday to see the 49ers and Raven's wrestle it out, I wait for the half-time to see Beyonce' perform. 

And for Beyonce' it must be a feeling of distinct pride to be able to sing at the inauguration today. Such a beautiful voice. I am always jealous of those who can sing.  There are only a few who can say and make a song in the same breath. 

Posting this in honor of the poem "One Today" by Richard Blanco.
I particularly liked the passage on One Sky. 
The inauguration today marked yet another era of freedom.  And again I am not huge on politics, but then I watch when it is important.  Important not for politics but because I am always impressed how smooth the transition of power is in this country. How logical and sensible it is.  It is democracy as it should be. It is when we all agree to disagree and move on to make a better world. I am from a country that has cradled civilization for thousands of years and has the proud title of being the worlds largest democracy. Yes it is India. And I am proud of my roots. But there is still a lot to do there. And I am sure, some of you might say, who am I to complain, when I am not even living in India. And you're right.  But this is not a passing thought, it has been an observation since many years. It has been an admiration and yes, I have learned a lot after coming here. The  best part, it has taught me how to appreciate my own home better.  The inauguration came to an eloquent end with the beautiful first lady in red. She truly personifies the phrase "Behind every successful man is a woman." She is definitely the wind beneath his wings. 

And last but not the least, I started a painting. Agreed, its not a national news, but its HUGE for me and so the humble mention.  Its yet another Ganesh. This time being made on demand for a friend, I had lost contact with. The connection is now revived. Thank you Facebook!  

The 49ers oblivious of the pain and hardships of the actual 49ers who brought CA into the limelight, played their best, to once again bring San Francisco its glory. The President reaffirms his oath to lead the country to a better tomorrow. Me starting another painting, What does all this have to do with Freedom? Everything.

It is the Freedom gifted to mankind  that allows us to be all we can. The man who taught this nation to look beyond the color of the skin. The man who believed in another one just like him, living thousands of miles away, in another time, and like him was trying to fight for the freedom of his country.   It is he that is celebrated today with the win and the oath. 

Today as we celebrate and say Happy Birthday to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, let us remember to cherish this freedom. MLK or Gandhi, all they wanted was the Freedom to be. 

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